“Todd took the logo up to eleven!
It’s a huge hit and such an amazing logo.”
Jenny Bannink Bloomer
Owner, Wrench Wench Worx
A Studio Called Chirp is a modern branding agency with a timeless spirit.
How the biscuits get made.
Excellence and shelf life, in that order.
The goal of every project at A Studio Called Chirp is to produce lasting branding that organizations are proud to use. That means good ideas, well executed.
Getting there is half the fun.
Here’s an easy question: Do you love Vacation? Of course you do. It’s a classic.
In it, we follow a family on their cross-country adventure to Wally World. Why would the Griswolds drive when flying is easier? Simple. When you slow down, you make discoveries.
No. 2 is No. 1.
Everything starts with a pencil on paper. That’s where ideas come from.
It isn’t about coming up with one big, magical concept. Design is a process and it’s messy. It’s about lots of idea, both good and bad, and finding ways to combine some of them in a way that’s memorable and unexpected.